Implementación de Salesforce: lo que necesitas saber

Getting started with Salesforce can be challenging due to its implementation. CRM management in an organization spans various areas, from the sales process to real time customer support. Given its enormous potential, it is essential to work with a Salesforce consulting partner and a robust implementation team to design and execute a suitable solution for your organization. The CRM implementation project involves critical components: technical configuration, data migration, user training, and post launch support. Collaboration among the team and project manager as well as decision makers is crucial to ensuring a successful implementation. This strategy can help in optimizing your Salesforce solution, maximizing ROI, and reducing costs.

Reasons to Implement Salesforce CRM in Your Organization

Implementing Salesforce in your organization drives growth and ensures flexibility to adapt to future challenges, seamlessly connecting teams. In short, here’s what the CRM can accomplish:

  • Integrate Business Silos: Reduce organizational silos, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness by enabling smooth interactions between departments. Data shows that 80% of business leaders use CRM as the sole source of customer information across all departments.
  • Optimize Your Results: The introduction of Salesforce demonstrates significant improvements in business outcomes. For instance, increases in conversion rates, transaction volume, win rates, and customer retention and satisfaction, among others.
  • Identify and Categorize Prospects: Facilitate quick and accurate identification of new prospects, allowing prioritization of opportunities and focusing attention on strategic clients.
  • Increase Customer Lifetime Value: Better understanding of customers leads to identifying additional sales opportunities and thus fostering more profitable relationships. Satisfied customers, according to studies, spend up to 33% more.
  • Improve Customer Support: Provide fast and personalized support, enabling agents to access detailed information for precise responses.
  • Enhance Products and Services: Collect information from various sources, acting as an engine to comprehensively understand the customer. This facilitates continuous improvement of products and services based on customer insights.
  • Stay Prepared for What’s to Come: In a remote work environment, the flexible and cloud-based CRM Salesforce, interconnects teams, allowing collaboration from anywhere and adapting to changing market expectations.

Steps to Implement Salesforce in Your Organization

There are many methodologies for implementing Salesforce. However, the essential steps are as follows:

  • Implementation Team Formation: Select an implementation team that includes representatives from different departments (sales, marketing, customer service, etc.). Also, assign a project manager and a decision maker.
  • Assessment of Current Processes and Definition of Goals/Scope: Review and document current business processes. Identify areas for improvement and how Salesforce can optimize those processes. Define the project’s goals and scope.
  • Gathering and Prioritizing Requirements: Define essential system functionalities to support the project vision. Ensure clarity, conciseness, and consistency in requirements, prioritizing those with higher levels of importance.
  • Planning and Customization: Create a detailed implementation plan with start and end dates. Customize Salesforce according to your organization’s specific requirements. Be mindful not to overextend in this process, as it may create technical debt for the future.
  • Developing Your Custom Solution: In this step, the development team creates your custom solution based on the identified requirements and the corresponding architecture model.
  • Data Migration: Take inventory of existing data and decide which data will be migrated to Salesforce. Execute the data migration, ensuring that it is clean and structured correctly.
  • User Training: Provide comprehensive training on both Salesforce usage and the new custom solution. Develop training materials and offer interactive sessions to ensure effective adoption.
  • Testing: Conduct thorough testing in sandboxes to ensure that Salesforce functions as expected. Identify and rectify any issues or errors during testing.
  • Pilot Implementation: Carry out a pilot implementation with a select group of users to assess the performance and usability of the solution before a full implementation.
  • Launching and Full Implementation: Deploy the Salesforce solution throughout the organization according to the established plan, ensuring to provide necessary post-launch support.

Tips for an Effective Salesforce Implementation

By following these tips, the chances of a successful Salesforce implementation that benefits the entire organization are significantly increased.

  • Multiple Outcome Scenarios: Estimating project implementation outcomes is a multifaceted and challenging task. Developing multiple scenarios will help anticipate and prevent risks in the implementation.
  • Clear Objectives: Establish implementation goals that meet the needs and business strategies of the organization. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
  • Smart Prioritization: Prioritize and divide the implementation into manageable phases to ensure a gradual and effective approach.
  • Configuration Before Customization: Focus on configuration before excessive customization, leveraging Salesforce’s native capabilities thoroughly.
  • Data Quality: Conduct a pre-data cleanup to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the information migrated to Salesforce.
  • Effective Channels: Establish appropriate channels for fluid and consistent collaboration among key stakeholders; this is fundamental for achieving objectives. The more effective the communication, the higher the chances of successful implementation and adoption.
  • Rigorous Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing at each development phase to identify and address issues before the rollout.
  • Detailed Documentation: Maintain detailed documentation of the configuration, processes, and customizations made to facilitate management.
  • Comprehensive Training: Provide comprehensive and personalized training for users and administrators, ensuring everyone masters the platform.
  • Post-Launch Monitoring: Establish random and continuous system monitoring after the launch to identify improvement opportunities.
  • Continuous Adaptability: Stay flexible and be prepared to adjust the implementation based on user feedback and changing business needs.
  • Effective Change Management: Implement robust change management strategies to facilitate the transition and address any resistance.

Salesforce Implementation Strategy: In-House Implementation vs. Consulting Partner.

A crucial point is deciding which strategy to pursue: whether the implementation will be in-house, carried out by the organization itself, or if it will be managed with a Salesforce consulting partner. It is essential to carefully examine both strategies to determine the most suitable option. The CRM itself suggests considering these criteria:

Compare In-House Implementation Implementation with a Salesforce Consulting Partner
Required Competencies Occasionally, certified Salesforce employees. Multi-certified Salesforce consultants.
Experience Employees with little or no experience in Salesforce. Consultants with extensive experience in configuration and best practices.
Configuration Resource Availability Configuration influenced by employees’ internal priorities and projects. Dedicated consultants in a specific work environment for the implementation.
External Support Basic Salesforce assistance, with access to self-help and customer support agents. Personalized assistance from consultants before, during, and after the implementation.
Time Involves a significant time commitment unless experienced resources are available. Faster implementation with fully dedicated consultants.
Salesforce Adoption by Your Sales Teams Risk of low adoption due to improper implementation. Higher likelihood of adoption from the outset with consultants.
Training Resources Need for customizing and implementing internal training plans. Pre-designed and customized training guidance and materials from the consultants.
Scalability Limited to internal capacity and expertise. Highly scalable, adapting to the company’s growth needs.
Security Potential vulnerabilities may exist. Highly robust.
Solution Optimization Dependent on internal capability to enhance and adjust the solution. Consultants with specialized knowledge for continuous optimization.
Documentation Requires internal creation of documentation. Detailed documentation provided by consultants during and after the implementation.
Costs Generally, no additional costs, but long-term costs may be incurred to optimize the solution. Additional costs associated with consultant services and expertise in the implementation.

Each strategy has its advantages and disadvantages, so take the time to evaluate these aspects before making a decision. However, our recommendation is that if you are completely new to Salesforce, have limited experience, and/or your organization lacks certified professionals, you should opt for a consulting partner.

Be cautious! Generally, those who chose an in-house implementation often ended up seeking the help of specialized consultants. This is because they initially did not design scalable solutions, leading to issues as the business grew. They incurred what is known as technical debt. So, what they initially saved in costs is now being paid, possibly even more expensively.

Conversely, working with consulting partners transforms initial costs into a long-term investment.

Ways to Evaluate the Success of Salesforce Implementation

Measuring the success of Salesforce implementation is crucial to assess its impact on your organization and ensure it meets the established objectives. Here are various indicators to gauge the success of the implementation:

  • User Adoption: Analyze the adoption rate among end-users. High adoption is indicated by active utilization of the platform. Metrics used include login frequency, types of records created/updated, non-authenticated users in a week, etc.
  • Productivity Improvement: Compare team productivity before and after implementation. Look for efficiency improvements, such as an increased conversion rate.
  • Data Quality: Evaluate the quality of data stored in Salesforce. Accurate and up-to-date data indicates a successful implementation.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the return on investment by comparing the benefits obtained with implementation and maintenance costs.
  • Sales Cycle: Analyze whether the implementation accelerated the sales cycle, from lead identification to conversion.
  • Sales Forecast Accuracy: Assess the accuracy of sales forecasts generated through Salesforce compared to actual outcomes.
  • User Feedback: Collect direct user feedback on the usability and usefulness of Salesforce.
  • Reports and Dashboards Analysis: Utilize Salesforce reports and dashboards to evaluate performance and make informed decisions.
  • Security: A crucial requirement of implementation is security. You can assess it in your Salesforce solution using the native Health Check functionality.

In summary, Salesforce implementation is a complex process that requires thorough planning and a cohesive effort from all key stakeholders. However, its multiple benefits, products, and solutions make this CRM a decisive tool to enhance the efficiency and success of your organization. With proper implementation, your organization can improve customer management, optimize business processes, boost productivity, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth in today’s competitive business landscape.

Are you looking to implement Salesforce in your company? Do you need guidance to start using the platform? The SkyPlanner team, as a Salesforce consulting partner, has the certified expertise to support you at every stage. Let’s talk! You can reach out to us at

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"Excelentes consultores. Durante la capacitación que recibí del equipo de SkyPlanner, tuve la suerte de comprender mejor las poderosas capacidades de Salesforce. Fueron muy eficientes, directos y con un sólido conocimiento del CRM y de la plataforma Salesforce.  Definitivamente nos mostraron cómo optimizar el proceso comercial dentro de nuestra empresa. Son un gran grupo de personas que difunden valiosos conocimientos que hacen crecer a las empresas. Los recomiendo encarecidamente."

Ramiro Allen — Ingeniero Jefe de Software @ TurboPay Limited

"¡Excelente socio! Hemos estado trabajando con SkyPlanner durante casi un año. Ha sido un placer trabajar con su equipo. Si no hubiera sido por ellos, no hubiéramos podido poner en marcha nuestra plataforma en tiempo y con las características que requeríamos. Cuando entendieron nuestras necesidades no solo ejecutaron el proyecto, sino que nos guiaron en la toma de decisiones para obtener un mejor resultado. Continuamos usándolos para nuestros proyectos en curso. Todo el equipo cuenta con un profundo conocimiento de la plataforma de manera general. Su equipo siempre está listo y dispuesto ayudar."

Ivan de Moya — Vicepresidente de Tecnología e Innovación en SunStreet

"SkyPlanner fue profesional, creativo, confiable y extremadamente complaciente. Desde el inicio del proyecto, estaba claro que habíamos encontrado al socio adecuado. Nuestro proyecto era complejo y cada vez que llegábamos a un obstáculo, SkyPlanner nos ayudaba a identificar e implementar una solución. Jorge Fernández [Cofundador y Director Gerente de SkyPlanner] fue nuestro contacto principal y no podemos decir lo suficiente sobre lo clave que fue para llevar nuestro proyecto a una implementación exitosa."

Ryan Borcherds — Marketing @ Deliver Lean

"A tiempo, dentro del presupuesto y con gran calidad en cada proyecto. Cada vez que me piden que recomiende un socio de Salesforce, no dudo en mi respuesta: vayan con SkyPlanner. He tenido el privilegio de trabajar con muchos equipos a lo largo de los años, ninguno ha traído a la mesa el entusiasmo que tiene el equipo de SkyPlanner. Esto, combinado con su profesionalismo y experiencia, son las razones por las que SOLO recomiendo un socio: SkyPlanner. Cada proyecto realizado (y hemos hecho muchos) ha sido entregado a tiempo y dentro del presupuesto con una calidad significativamente superior."

Juan Meza — Director de Desarrollo Comercial Estratégico @ Sony Electronics Inc.

"¡Servicio excepcional! ¡Feliz de tenerlos como nuestro socio! SkyPlanner es por mucho, el partner de Salesforce más experimentado y confiable. Casi renunciamos a Salesforce gracias a nuestro socio anterior, afortunadamente encontramos a SkyPlanner y nos rescataron. Ellos se tomaron el tiempo para comprender nuestras necesidades y la complejidad de nuestra organización. Es un equipo altamente talentoso, profesional y dedicado. No puedo describir suficiente lo felices que estamos de tenerlos como socios y esperamos continuar construyendo y creciendo nuestra relación."

Nolan Pereira — Gerente de Proyecto @ BLU Products

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